Long-Term Trends That Are Slowly Killing America

Long-Term Trends That Are Slowly Killing America for Prophecy News Watch

Just about everyone realizes that this country is way off track at this point. Our society is very rapidly deteriorating all around us, economic conditions just keep getting worse, and our politicians in Washington appear to be more corrupt than ever. But even though so much is going wrong, there is very little agreement about what is needed to set things right.

In fact, this nation is now more divided than I have ever seen in my entire lifetime. So even though Americans are feeling increasingly negative about themselves, the country and everything around them, there is absolutely no consensus about where to go from here.

When I checked the Drudge Report earlier today, the very first headline at the top of the page was about a Gallup survey that discovered some very alarming things about the state of our mental health…

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Americans’ positive self-assessments of their mental health are the lowest in more than two decades of Gallup polling. In all, 31% of U.S. adults describe their mental health or emotional wellbeing as “excellent,” the worst rating by three percentage points.

Another 44% of Americans rate their mental health as “good,” and the 75% combined excellent and good rating is the lowest on record and 10 points shy of the average since 2001. In addition, 17% of U.S. adults describe their mental health as “only fair” and 7% as “poor.” The latter figure is the highest in Gallup’s trend.

Of course those numbers are just part of the story.

A previous survey that was conducted by CNN found that approximately 90 percent of all adults believe that there is a “mental health crisis” in the United States today…

An overwhelming majority of people in the United States think the country is experiencing a mental health crisis, according to a new survey from CNN in partnership with the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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